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Carusi Wall Mural, Caring, Academic, Respectful, Unparalleled Students with Integrity
Carusi Mural
We are Caring, Academic, Respectful, Unparalleled Students with Integrity!
Carusi Students
Carusi Mustangs Hard at Work

Carusi Mustangs Working Hard in Class

Carusi Band Photo
Carusi Band
Our Instrumental and Choral Music Groups are decorated groups winning many awards at festival and competitions.
Carusi Cyberbullying Awareness

Officer Amato educated our 6th graders on the importance of kindness and respect when interacting online.

MLK Day of Service Activities

Mustangs Shine During MLK Service Week

Join the Carusi PTA

Scan the QR Code to learn more about the Carusi PTA

Welcome to John A Carusi Middle School

Friendship Dance
Carusi STEM Class

This week in STEM class students explored aerospace engineering while building their very own rockets. 7th Graders were taught about the Perseverance Rover collecting soil samples on Mars in search of past life & The Europa Clipper mission, which launched this past Sunday. After exploring these current events, students simulated a possible return mission from Mars with their very own straw rocket launch in our classroom! Take a look at the link below to see this mission and others in action!

Learn More about STEM @ Carusi Middle School

News & Events

Carusi Cares

About Us

We are Caring, Academic, Respectful, Unparalleled, Students with Integrity!

Carusi Wall

Anti-Bullying Coordinator

Constance Spencer
Student Assistance Counselor
Carusi Anti-Bullying Specialist
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(856) 667-1220 x3559


Stop Bullying